ProDesign Tools is Giving Away CS6 Master Collection Suite

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The Buzz on Pocket Wizard Plus III

Pocket Wizard 801-130 Plus III Transceiver It’s always interesting to read the buzz on new photo products, especially when those products come from well-established gear like the PocketWizard Line. Photographers can be pretty vocal and public about the pros and cons of the gear they use or try out, and very often have a huge […]

Gamers Unlock Baffling Aids Mystery |

Gamers Unlock Protein Mystery That Baffled AIDS Researchers For Years By Leslie Horn, PC Mag September 19, 2011 10:42am EST foldit game AIDS research In just three weeks, gamers deciphered the structure of a key protein in the development of AIDS that has stumped scientists for years. According to a study published Sunday in the […]